Contract Growing and Restoration Consultancy Services

Contract Growing Service:
Place your orders for next autumn's hedging, landscaping or native planting project now. Come visit for a consultation regarding your planting project. Send us a list of plant names, quantities and preferred grades and get a competitive quote. See our compete list of eco-sourced native restoration plant list for the Canterbury region. Getting your plants grown under contract gets you a better price, saves time sourcing and guarantees availability. We cover Kaikoura, Hurunui, Waimakariri, Selwyn and Banks Peninsular. List of clients include:
- Councils
- Bio-diversity community groups
- Farmers
- Lifestyle block owners
For ecological restoration projects allow at least a 2 year lead time before expected planting. Plant material from surrounding local bush remnants needs to be collected and prepped for propagation (seed collection occurs during summer and autumn) - it takes two years to produce a plantable product from seed and one year from cuttings. Expecting to find available a true eco-sourced plant, for your ecological zone, at the time of planting without making prior arrangements with a grower is unrealistic.
We also undertake growing agreements for smaller domestic and commercial projects - it could be as simple as a boundary shelter, a hedge or a commercial landscaping project. Typically our growing agreements involve volumes of greater than 100 plants. Deposits and progress payments may apply depending on the nature and scale of the request.
Consultancy Service:
Sue McGaw (NZCD Arch. B.Com Hort, Msc. Ecol) can assist with plant list recommendations to suit your planting project site, provide planting plans, teach planting techniques, oversee your planting project - and provide the planting team if necessary.
- Ecologist, Biodiversity Consultant and Field Technician
- Email:
- Phone: 021 1522 646
Plant Selection Technique:
There are multiple sources from which to derive a plant list for a planting project. We typically compile a plant list by inspecting the planting site to understand the conditions and type of terrain - and by visiting bush remnants located closest to the proposed planting site and record our observations on the iNaturalist platform. Below are links to examples of some of the iNaturalist projects Sue McGaw has created to guide us in the compilation of client specific plant lists.
- Project examples
- Mt Grey, Waipara, Loburn
- Purau
- Cape Foulwind

Open 7 days a week: 10am-4pm