Native Ecosystem Biodiversity

25/01/2025 - Please be aware that this page is currently a work-in-progress. Full functionality expected by mid 2025.

Extract from Backyard Biodiversity in Canterbury by Al Check & Mike Bowie

Populations of plants, animals, insects and birds that interact together are known as communities. These communities, along with the physical environment in which they live are known as ecosystems e.g., rivers, forests, tussock lands, wetlands and even suburban backyards.

The greater the diversity of an ecological system the better its chances of being resilient to impacts such as climate change or invasion by pests. It is the native and endemic species of a region that are most significant. However, it is important to make the distinction between species richness (number of species) and biodiversity (each nation’s unique contribution to the world’s genetic, species and ecosystem variation). Introducing foreign species to New Zealand does not increase biodiversity; indeed biodiversity (New Zealand’s contribution to it) is generally diminished by competition, predation and grazing by introduced species causing contraction of indigenous species’ ranges and genetic diversity, and even extinction.


Native Plants

Attracting native birds, bees, lizards and insects means planting natives that provide year round food source, safe breeding sites and protection from predators.

Plants (info from Department of Conservation) Birds Bees Insects Lizards
 Anaphalioides bellidioides I N P N  
 Anemanthele lessoniana S N P N  
 Apodasmia similis I   N F I
 Aristotelia serrata  F S N O N P N  
 Astelia fragrans F N   N F I
 Coprosma crassifolia, mingimingi     N F I
 Coprosma propinqua, mingimingi F I   N F I
 Coprosma robusta, karamu F S O N P N  
 Cordyline australis, ti kouka, cabbage tree F S N I N P N F I
 Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, kahikatea F S      
 Discaria toumatou, matagouri F S N I N P N F I
 Hebe salicifolia, koromiko N I N P N I
 Fuchsia excorticata F N N N F I
 Griselinia littoralis, päpäuma, broadleaf F S O N P N  
 Kunzea ericoides, kanuka N I N P N I
 Leptospermum scoparium, manuka N I N P N I
 Melicytus alpinus, porcupine shrub F I   N F I
 Muehlenbeckia astonii F   N F I
 Pittosporum eugenioides, lemonwood F S N I N P N  
 Pittosporum tenuifolium, kohuhu, black matipo F S N I N P N  
 Phormium tenax, harakeke, New Zealand flax F S N N P N F I
 Pseudopanax arboreus, five finger F S N I O N P N F I
 Sophora microphylla, kowhai N I O N P N F


Food Source Key:  F = Fruit,  S = Seed,  N = Nectar,  P = Pollen,  I = Insects,  O = Other

('Other' includes, but not limited to: Bark, Flower Buds, Foliage, Lizards, Tree Sap, Honeydew)


Native Birds (Food Calendar)

Native birds that you are likely to attract to your garden prefer to eat nectar, fruit, seed and insects. Common species and their preferred food are:

Species (info from NZ Birds Online) Fruit Seed Nectar Pollen Insects Other
Kaka (bush parrot)    
Kea (mountain parrot) - [Plant Food Sources]    
Kereru (wood pigeon) - Diet      
Korimako (bellbird)      
Kotare (sacred kingfisher)        
Ngutuparore (wrybill)          
Pipiwharauroa (shining cuckoo)          
Piropiro (tomtit)        
Piwakawaka (fantail)          
Riroriro (grey warbler)          
Ruru (morepork)        
Tauhou (silvereye or waxeye)      
Tuturiwhatu (dotterel)          



Bees feed on and require both nectar and pollen. The nectar is for energy and the pollen provides protein and other nutrients. Most pollen is used by bees as larvae food, but bees also transfer it from plant-to-plant, providing the pollination services needed by plants and nature as a whole.

Species (info from For the Love of Bees) Fruit Seed Nectar Pollen Insects Other
Ngaro Huruhuru - Native        
Leioproctus fulvescens - Native        
Lasioglossum sordidum - Native        
Bumblebee - Europe      
Honeybee - Europe        





Most insects subsist on a diet consisting primarily of plants and fruits. Many species of bugs such as butterflies, moths and beetles are herbivorous while others may prefer sweet nectar or sugary sap. Some bugs will even feed off other insects such as aphids or caterpillars.

Pollinator Species (info from Landcare Research) Fruit Seed Nectar Pollen Insects Other
Copper Butterfly          
Red Admiral Butterfly          
Monarch Butterfly          
Drone Fly          
Hover Fly          
March Fly          





There are more than 90 species found in New Zealand. All except one species are endemic (found only in NZ). If you can catch them eating, you might see them eating insects like moths and flies, which are their main food. But they also enjoy the berries and nectar of some plants and flowers.

Species (info from NZ Herpetological Society) Fruit Seed Nectar Pollen Insects Other
Waitaha Gecko      
Jewelled Gecko        
McCann's Skink          
Southern Alps Gecko      
Common Skink